Hospital cover to get you started
With more than the basics
Supporting documents
Product guide PDFInclusions
Practical hospital cover for couples and singles, covering chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy for cancer; ear, nose and throat and skin.
Comprehensive cover for ambulance services by state-appointed ambulance providers across Australia. This includes emergency transport, on the spot treatment, mobile intensive care, air and sea ambulance. Transport services between hospitals, repatriation to or from a state for non-clinically necessary reasons, or services by patient transport vehicles are not claimable.
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for the investigation and treatment of the ear, nose, throat, middle ear, thyroid, parathyroid, larynx, lymph nodes and related areas of the head and neck. For example: damaged ear drum, sinus surgery, removal of foreign bodies, stapedectomy and throat cancer. Tonsils, adenoids and grommets are listed separately under Tonsils, adenoids and grommets. The implantation of a hearing device is listed separately under Implantation of hearing devices. Orthopaedic neck conditions are listed separately under Back, neck and spine. Sleep studies are listed separately under Sleep studies. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer is listed separately under Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for cancer.
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for the investigation and treatment of diseases, disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. For example: carpal tunnel, fractures, hand surgery, joint fusion, bone spurs, osteomyelitis and bone cancer. Chest surgery is listed separately under Lung and chest. Spinal cord conditions are listed separately under Brain and nervous system. Spinal column conditions are listed separately under Back, neck and spine. Joint reconstructions are listed separately under Joint reconstructions. Joint replacements are listed separately under Joint replacements. Podiatric surgery performed by a registered podiatric surgeon is listed separately under Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon). Management of back pain is listed separately under Pain management. Pain management that requires a device is listed separately under Pain management with device. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer is listed separately under Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for cancer.
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer or benign tumours. Surgical treatment of cancer is listed separately under each body system.
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for surgery to the teeth and gums. For example: surgery to remove wisdom teeth, and dental implant surgery.
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for the diagnosis, investigation and treatment of the internal parts of the gastrointestinal system using an endoscope. For example: colonoscopy, gastroscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Non-endoscopic procedures for the digestive system are listed separately under Digestive system.
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for the investigation and treatment of a hernia or appendicitis. Digestive conditions are listed separately under Digestive system.
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for surgery for joint reconstructions. For example: torn tendons, rotator cuff tears and damaged ligaments. Joint replacements are listed separately under Joint replacements. Bone fractures are listed separately under Bone, joint and muscle. Procedures to the spinal column are listed separately under Back, neck and spine. Podiatric surgery performed by a registered podiatric surgeon is listed separately under Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon).
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment for the investigation and treatment of skin, skin-related conditions and nails. The removal of foreign bodies is also included. Plastic surgery that is medically necessary and relating to the treatment of a skin-related condition is also included. For example: melanoma, minor wound repair and abscesses. Removal of excess skin due to weight loss is listed separately under Weight loss surgery. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer is listed separately under Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for cancer
Annual limit
Not applicable
Hospital treatment of the tonsils, adenoids and insertion or removal of grommets.
Annual limit
Not applicable
This cover pays benefits for travel and accommodation related to an eligible hospital admission. When travel between the patient’s home address and the hospital (calculated in a straight line) is over 200km return. Accommodation benefits are payable for either the patient or their accompanying person, in a commercial premises i.e. hotel, Airbnb.
Annual limit
Hospital psychiatric services
Palliative care
For restricted services, we will cover the cost of a private patient in a shared room of a public hospital. If you are treated elsewhere, such as a private hospital, you will incur additional and significant out-of-pocket expenses. You are eligible for a once-per-lifetime upgrade to a higher level of hospital cover to receive hospital psychiatric services, without a waiting period. You must have held continuous hospital cover for at least two months to be eligible for this exemption.
Brain and nervous system
Eye (not cataracts)
Kidney and bladder
Male reproductive system
Digestive system
Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy
Pain management
Breast surgery (medically necessary)
Diabetes management (excluding insulin pumps)
Heart and vascular system
Lung and chest
Back, neck and spine
Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)
Podiatric surgery (by a registered podiatric surgeon)
Implantation of hearing devices
Joint replacements
Dialysis for chronic kidney failure
Pregnancy and birth
Assisted reproductive services
Weight loss surgery
Insulin pumps
Pain management with device
Sleep studies